The Health Care for All Texas Portfolio
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Health Care For All - Texas
Faithful Reform Conference
September 2009
Supported in part by a grant from the
Community Transformation,
Health Care for All Texas offered
a regional conference for all faith
communities to discuss the moral
challenge of U.S. health care reform.
Health Care For All Texas Rally
May 30, 2009
Watch the speakers
Speakers Training
February 2009
Health Care for All Texas offered a Speakers Training Workshop in Houston in collaboration with community organizations to address health reform basics, debunk myths, and promote civic participation.
Speakers Training
July 2008
Health Care for All Texas organized a Speakers Training Workshop in Houston addressing the critical issues involved in health care reform. It also provided training in how and what to present about single-payer and universal health care to professional and lay audiences.
Single Payer Rally in Houston, TX
October 2008
Speakers Training
November 2007
Health Care for All Texas also organized a Speakers Training in Houston to increase the number of individuals capable of speaking to large audiences about the health care crisis and universal health care.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Initiated April 2007
Project to raise awareness about the 18,000 Americans who die unnecessarily every year due to lack of health insurance. This on-going project builds a coalition of churches, synagogues, mosques and temples and organizations that share common cause to draw attention to the 47 million of our brothers and sisters who go without health insurance and the millions more who are underinsured and at risk of bankruptcy if faced with a major illness. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” projects in Houston are supported in part by a grant from the Houston Endowment, Inc.
“Uncovered: The American Health Care Story”
May 2007
HCFAT—Houston joined forces with Texas Bioneers to sponsor “Uncovered: The American Health Care Story,” a theater performance by the Potboilers Artists for Change, presented at the Institute for Religion and Health’s
Dr. Joe Bak and Linda Phenix at RESULTS banquet honoring Dr. Ana Malinow, 2009.
Dr. Susan Spivey, Dr. Christine Adams and Kathleen Duncan at RESULTS banquet honoring
Dr. Ana Malinow, 2009.
Ed and Gay Kopas at Austin, TX Rally 2009
Rep. John Conyers and staff with Health Care for All Texas members in Houston, TX 2009
Potboilers Performance
April 2007
HCFAT—Houston partnered with Covenant Church to present several events in April. Stories about health care practitioners and patients were performed by the Potboilers following a labyrinth walk to commemorate the 18,000 adults who die each year due to lack of health insurance.
Mecom Fountain Demonstration
April 2007
HCFAT—Houston held a demonstration at Mecom Fountain in April to raise awareness about the crisis of the uninsured in Texas.
Spring Rally
April 2007
HCFAT—Austin collaborated with Physicians for Social Responsibility hosting a rally in support of universal health care in April. Presenters included physicians, patients, elected representatives, a theater group, and health care reform activists. Local ABC, NBC, and the Austin Chronicle covered this event.
SICKO premieres
HCFAT—Austin reached 750 people at two SICKO premieres in Austin. HCFAT members joined forces with Gray Panthers of Austin, National Nurses Organizing Committee, and Women for Good Government to distribute leaflets and mobilize moviegoers to sign a petition in support of HR676 petition.
HCFAT Austin held a press conference during a SICKO Premiere in Austin in June. Austin Chronicle article.
Speakers Series and the Media
Health Care for All Texas members have given hundreds of presentations on the health care crisis, speaking at churches, community centers, conferences, and medical centers in Houston, Galveston, Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso, and College Station. HCFAT members have also given interviews to radio, television, Internet, and print media.
Increasing Public Awareness and Research
Surveys and feedback forms filled out by a sample of attendees at Health Care for All Texas events suggest that education efforts have been successful in increasing public awareness about the failings of the health care system and that support for universal health care is growing. HCFAT co-founder and chair, Ana Malinow, MD, presented “Evidence-based Activism: Activating the evidence” at the 2005 American Public Health Association National Meeting in Philadelphia. The presentation highlighted research conducted by Health Care for All Texas.
In 2006, Health Care for All Texas presented “TIP—The Texas Health Insurance Plan: How to achieve single payer universal health care in Texas” at a legislative briefing in Austin.
Uncovered: The American Health Care Story
October 2006
In October 2006, Health Care for All Texas and Potboiler Artists for Change joined forces to present their theater performance, "Uncovered: The American Health Care Story", at the Texas Bioneers conference at the University of Houston.
Speakers Training
November 2006
In November 2006, Health Care for All Texas also organized a Speakers Training in Houston to increase the number of individuals capable of speaking to large audiences about the health care crisis and universal health care.
Annual Report Lecture Series and Theater Performances
In 2005, Health Care for All Texas widened its outreach with two major medical centers; pursued education through art using popular theater; and continued its tradition of grassroots education by participating in more than 50 community and professional presentations, as well as newspaper, television, and radio interviews across the state.
Lecture Series with David Himmelstein, M.D. from PNHP
October 2005
In October 2005, almost 500 health professionals attended “Health Reform: A Medical Emergency,” a series of lectures, grand rounds, and small group discussions with co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, David Himmelstein, M.D. This was the first, and very successful, collaboration between Health Care for All Teas and the Grant Taylor Lecture at the Texas Medical Center, and the Vaughn Lecture at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
Potboilers Theater Performance
October 2005
In October 2005, Health Care for All Texas sponsored a performance in Houston by the Potboiler Artists for Change. Approximately 200 viewers in three different venues saw “Uncovered: The American Health Care Story,” a powerful emotional performance by local artists telling their own health care stories through theater, dance, and music.
Denied: The Crisis of America’s Uninsured
In 2004, Health Care for All Texas organized the photography exhibit "Denied: The Crisis of America’s Uninsured,” which toured six cities in Texas, recruited 88 statewide co-sponsors, held five opening receptions with speakers and media, involved 17 elected officials, and produced 30 media reports. See for information on how to exhibit the show in your city.
Benjamin Rush Society Debate
May 2010
HCFAT was pleased to be invited to debate the question "Is Health Care a Right?" by the Benjamin Rush Society, a medical student organization promoting free market solutions to health care reform. The debate was to be filmed by and posted on the Benjamin Rush Society but technical difficulties prevented recording this stimulating debate where at the end of the debate 57% of the audience voted in favor of health care as a right. Read what our debate panelist said in their opening and closing remarks.
Leonard A. Zwelling, M.D., MBA
Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology,
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Health Policy Fellow, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Christine Adams, Ph.D., Statewide Secretary, HCFAT

Spring HCFAT Fundraiser
April 2, 2011
"Mark Twain and the Laughing River"
featuring Jim Post as "Mark Twain
Health Care For All Texas was able to sponsor a spring fundraiser through the generous support of physicians, area businesses and health care reform activitists in the Houston area. The performance was held to a packed audience at the Live Oaks Friends Meeting House in Houston, Texas.
Jim Post, as Mark Twain, posing with some of the Health Care for All Texas members who helped with organizing the "Mark Twain and the Laughing River" spring fundraiser.
See more of our work on Youtube - funny takes on a serious issue
Many fun and provocative products
Texans for a National Health Program
The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
Sir Winston Churchill
In April, 2015, Health Care for All – Texas co-sponsored the powerful one-man play, Mercy Killers written and performed by Michael Milligan. A surprisingly tender love story, Mercy Killers is also an unflinching look at the U.S. healthcare system.
Michael Milligan received rave reviews for his performances in Houston, Clear Lake, Austin, and Ft. Worth. Now you too have a chance to see this award winning drama which examines the heartache, frustrations, betrayals so many Americans endure on a daily basis in this country.
Check out the three models of universal health care in the world. All have proven year and year to provide at least as good of medical outcomes as the U.S. system (sometimes even better) but still covering all their citizens and residents. And again at half the price.
One person dies every twelve minutes in the United States – people who are dying of treatable conditions but are dying because of unnecessary barriers to health care access. No other developed nation on earth allows their citizens to die simply because they cannot afford timely health care yet this happens every day in the richest nation on earth.
Unfortunately, too many Americans have been exploited by for-profit health insurance companies and BigPharma into fearing that universal health care is too expensive and would be of low quality. Without the for-profit health insurance companies taking out a huge chunk of money from our health system, we can easily afford universal health care of high quality – especially when you consider that we already spend twice as much on health care per person than any other country in the world.